Custom Children's Cake Gallery
Celebrate that special day in your child's life. To help inspire you, have a browse through our children's cake gallery!

Two The Stars
A single tier pink cake design with a soft whimsical design.
A single tier buttercream cake with a rainbow design.
Mythical Beast
A single tier unicorn cake with a rainbow mane.
100 Days
A single tier cake with topped with a sugar elephant.
A single tier Pocahontas themed cake topper with a sugar crown.
A 2 tier cake with a swan design topped with sugar roses.
A 2 tier cake topped with a sugar bunny and floral design.
Hip To The Hop
A 2 tier buttercream cake with a 90's hip hop theme.
A single tier cake topped with a suga craft teddy bear and balloons.
A 2 tier cake with a "little man" design including a bow tie and suspenders.
Baby Boy
A large single tier cake topped with baby shoes.
Baby Girl
A 2 tier cake topped with a sleeping baby and sugar flowers.
Safari Party
A single tier safari themed cake.
Woodland Wonder
A single tier cake topped with woodland figurines.
No So Angry Birds
A single tier cake design in an Angry Bird theme.
Paw Patrol
A 2 tier cake designed in a Paw Patrol theme.
Hey, There Ladybird!
A 2 tier cake with a cute ladybird design.
To The Moon and Back
A single tier cake with a night design.
A single tier drip cake topped with emoji faces.
A 2 tier sky blue cake with a cartoon car theme.
A single tier cake in a tree bark design sitting on a plaid board.
A single tier cake with a "Little Mermaid" theme.
A 2 tier Baby Boss themed cake.
A 2 tier Peter Rabbit themed cake.
A single tier panda themed cake.
Double Pink Rainbow
Single tier buttercream cake topped with 2 fondant rainbows.
A single tier Buzz Lightyear themed cake.
A 2 tier baby shower cake.
Parker's Cube
A 6" cube cake designed to look like a Rubik's cube.
Little Man
A single tier cake with a "little man" design including a bow tie.
Dragon Ball
A single tier cake with a Dragon Ball Z theme.
I, Robot
A single tier robot design with age topper.
A 2 tier bee themed cake.
A single tier spiderman themed cake.
A 2 tier Sesame Street themed cake.
Rose Gold Crown
A single tier cake topped with a rose gold crown.
Howdy Y'all
A single tier Cowboy themed cake.
Dinos & Sharks
A single tier cake with a dinosaur and shark theme.
Feelin' Looney
A two tier Looney Tunes themed cake.
A 2 tier Star Wars themed cake.
A 2 tier Frozen themed cake.
Ice Princess
A 2 tier frozen themed cake.
A single tier cake made to look like a castle.
Off To School
A 2 tier school bus themed cake.
A 2 tier baby cake topped with oversized bows.
A single tier Shopkins themed cake.
A blue baby shower cake topped with a large bow and a single baby.
A single tier with a pretty pink princess design topped with a sugar crown.
A single tier buttercream cake topped with fresh flowers, macarons, and sugar paper butterflies.
Cutting Shapes
A two tier cake with a red and gold design topped with sugar flowers.
Number Love
A 2nd anniversary cake in the #2 shape.
Wednesday Adams
A 2 tier purple cake with a spooky design.
Just Me and You
A 2 tier cake with silhouette designs.
Ballerina Beauty
A buttercream cake with pink texture detail topped with fresh flowers.
Beep Boop
A Star Wars themed cake design to look like R2D2.
A single tier buttercream cake with fruits and macarons.
Wishing for Santorini
A 2 tier cake inspired by Greek architecture and shorelines.
Quite simply a number cake topped macarons, meringues, chocolates, and fruits.
Steady Pulse
A single tier cake with a nurse or doctor design.